Expert Periodontal Procedures for Beverly Hills, CA, Residents

Perio Implant Health Professionals prioritizes the long-term health and preservation of your teeth through periodontal procedures. We offer treatments to Beverly Hills, California, residents that address various gum health and bone conditions, ensuring that your smile remains healthy and vibrant.

Comprehensive Periodontal Care

Our approach to periodontal care is conservative and patient focused. We believe in preserving natural teeth whenever possible, which is why our periodontal procedures are tailored to maintain the integrity of your mouth. From routine prophylaxis (teeth cleaning) to more advanced treatments, our goal is to prevent and treat gum disease while promoting overall oral health.

Advanced Treatments for Complex Cases

Perio Implant Health Professionals handle complex cases that many other specialists avoid. Our expertise in scaling and root planing is essential for treating gum disease in its early stages, effectively removing plaque and tartar buildup from below the gum line. For anyone experiencing jaw discomfort due to grinding or clenching, our bruxism treatments offer relief and protect your teeth from further damage.

Surgical Excellence

When surgical intervention is necessary, our team employs the latest techniques to ensure optimal outcomes. Procedures like osseous surgery are performed to reshape the bone and reduce gum pockets, minimizing the risk of infection and bone loss. We also provide frenectomy services, which involve the removal of the frenulum to correct issues like speech impediments or gum recession.

For patients requiring bone grafts, our sinus augmentation procedures help regenerate bone in the upper jaw, creating a solid foundation for dental implants. This advanced technique is particularly beneficial for anyone who has experienced significant bone loss.

Preventative and Diagnostic Services

In addition to our restorative procedures, we offer a range of preventative and diagnostic services to safeguard your oral health. Our oral cancer exam is a critical component of our comprehensive care, allowing us to detect any early signs of cancer for timely intervention. Moreover, we utilize state-of-the-art laser therapy with the Deka Ultra Co2 Laser for procedures like gingivectomy and biopsies, providing precise, minimally invasive treatment.

Trust Our Professional Team

Whether you're seeking to restore gum health or enhance your smile’s appearance, our specialized periodontal procedures offer the solutions you need. Connect with Perio Implant Health Professionals today to learn more about our services for Beverly Hills, CA, residents.